I like to wear wide leg trousers with good weather. Well, I reeeeeally love it! They look great with short tops and I like them especially with flat sandals, because with a heel or wedge the result is not as relaxed. I also usually combine them with a wide-brimmed hat and, of course, with a straw bag, achieving a style of look that seems perfect for summer. Do you like it? Do you usually wear this type of outfits?

Me gusta llevar pantalones anchos con el buen tiempo. Bueno, mas bien me encanta! Quedan genial con tops cortos enseñando un poco de barriguita, y me gustan especialmente con sandalias planas, ya que con tacón o con cuña el resultado no es igual de relajado. También suelo combinarlos con sombrero de ala ancha y, por supuesto, con cestito, logrando un estilo de look que me parece perfecto para el verano. Os gusta? Soléis llevar este tipo de outfits?

PHOTOS: P. Soury

Top: Urban Outfitters, HERE

Pants: Zara, similar HERE

Hat: Lack of Color

Bag: From a local shop

Earrings: Mango

Sandals: Gucci, HERE

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