There are days when everything comes together and photos come out perfect and looking fun. On this particular day, for example, we went to the market to buy a few things and then headed off to do a bit of sightseeing to get to know a few local spots (I love doing this and always come across some lovely surprises). We came across this yellow house by coincidence and it so turned out that it went perfectly with my outfit and the lemons we bought that day. As you can expect, I was over the moon. I hope you like the photos, now we are off to NY, followed by Marrakesh, London and then Paris. Keep an eye out for more blog posts and videos…and don’t forget today is Wednesday, which means there’s a new video on my channel where you can expect to see how I organise my closet! 

Hay días en los que todo se «confabula» para que las fotos resulten divertidas y salgan perfectas. Por ejemplo, esta día tras hacer unas compritas en el mercado, nos fuimos a descubrir nuevos pueblos por la zona (algo que me encanta, siempre me llevo buenas sorpresas), y de repente encontramos esta casa amarilla que quedaba de 10 con mi look y encima una de las compras que habíamos hecho eran estos limones. Y yo feliz, claro. Espero que os encanten las fotos y nos vemos por NY, luego tocará Marrakesh, Londres y Paris, ya os contaré todito por aqui y por mis videos….y no olvidéis que hoy es MIÉRCOLES y hay video en mi canal, os enseño cómo organizo mi nuevo vestidor!

PHOTOS: P. Soury

Top and skirt: Zara, similar HERE & HERE

Sandals: Nomadic, HEREHERE & HERE

Bag: From a local shop

Sunglasses: Ray Ban, HERE

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