Today I am on my way to Paris, where I will spend the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, I thought that I would show you my last set of photos from Tokyo (it makes me a little sad, it was nice to reminisce about the trip because we really did have a blast). As you know from previous posts, it was pretty cold hence why I packed a lot of warm clothing such as this oversized H&M Studio jacket, my American Vintage jumper and my beloved hat. We used to spend the whole day out getting to know the city so I made sure that I wrapped up to forget about the weather and enjoy myself. If I were out all day in the cold I would not have enjoyed myself. Lots of love and I hope that you like today’s outfit!

Hoy estoy de camino a Paris donde estaré un par de semanas y mientras tanto os enseño las ultimas fotos de Tokio (me da pena, me estaba gustando esto de recordar el viaje, nos lo pasamos taaan bien!). Como sabéis hacía bastante frio y mi maleta estaba repleta de prendas muy abrigaditas como este chaquetón oversize de H&M Studio, el jersey de American Vintage o este gorro que tanto me gusta. Como nos pasábamos todo el dia fuera pateando y descubriendo rincones me abrigaba a tope para disfrutar y olvidarme del mal tiempo, si me paso el dia fuera y tengo frio no disfruto del viaje. Mil besos y espero que os guste el look!

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PHOTOS: P. Soury

Coat: H&M Studio

Sweater: American Vintage

Jeans: H&M

Boots: Balenciaga

Bag: Chanel

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