a t t h e m a r k e t !

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a t t h e m a r k e t !

I visit the Jalon market every year during my holiday because it has mantained its authenticity and essence and it is the perfect spot to find special antiques and quirky pieces… more often than not I am able to find something for my house. We have taken photos, like we did last summer, to share […]

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i ' m a l e o

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i ' m a l e o

I usually prefer summer looks, but I can’t stop thinking on wearing these À Bicyclette pants with my new perfecto jacket and ankle boots. Today I put them with my customized ex-jacket waistcoast, white shirt and black accessories. I added one of my favorite necklaces that also can be used as a self–defense gadget. Besossss 😉 […]

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w e a r i n g n e w s t u f f

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w e a r i n g n e w s t u f f

The title is not entirely true… I’m just wearing two things of this new season: the sneakers and the camouflage military jacket. I really love these sneakers although I wanted the Marant model, but is mission impossible to find them (… I’ll keep trying), they are always "sold out" grrrrrr, and the jacket is sooo wearable […]

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i n s t a b a c 9

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i n s t a b a c 9

Yes…. Instagram. My nick is @bartabacmode (or you can also follow me here). Siiiiiiii, más Instagram, estoy enganchada a esta aplicación, red social o lo que sea, ¿y vosotros?; si queréis seguirme soy @bartabacmode (o también podéis por aqui). Os espero!! Ouiii, plus d’Instagram!! Si vous voulez me suivre je suis @bartabacmode (ou vous pouvez aussi ici) […]

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